Big Island Marlin Iron On Patch

$10.00 USD

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SKU 9791000202
Montague Rod Company became the biggest producer of split bamboo rods when it bought out the Chubb Rod Company in 1900. Based out of Montague City, Massachusetts, the company produced everything a fisherman could dream of from spinning, trolling, casting, ocean rods, and fly rods. Montague acquired a large customer base as fisherman passed up on the fancy and sought out the durable, thus drawn to Montague’s reputation of built and priced for the everyday fisherman. Over the years, Montague built more than 300 different fly rod models. Introduced in the late 1920’s, Red Wing was known as the higher end models of Montague. Rapidan was commonly agreed to be the mid level and Sunbeam the most common lower level. Though the company experienced booming success over the years, Montague was forced to close in 1955 after a trade embargo was placed on Chinese goods, causing a shortage of quality bamboo. The legend of Montague continues in the fishing world as companies draw on the magnitude of innovative designs.


  • Size: 3.33" X 2.40"
  • Iron on hats, jackets, jeans, backpacks and more!
  • Machine washable

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